Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Hello 2017!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It turns out that blogmas was a complete fail here on lifewithadash (note to self: plan all of the posts for next year well in advance), but, it's now a new year, which means a fresh start.

I'm not going to say all that new year, new me crap that most people seem to say at this time of the year, but I do intend to set myself some goals and actually stick to them. I never usually stick to any of the resolutions I've made in the past, but this year I've set myself some realistic resolutions and I'm determined to!

Here are some of my goals for 2017:

Firstly, I really want to be more consistent and organised when it comes to blogging.
Let's face it, I'm not that great at posting regularly and planning my posts in advance, am I? Blogmas was just a perfect example of that hahah! This year I want to set up a blogging schedule and actually stick to it. I want my blog to grow and not blogging consistently is obviously not going to help. 

2017 will also be the year I finally learn to drive. I've said this numerous times in the past, for example before my 17th birthday and last summer, but this time I really mean it! I hate not being able to go wherever I want when I want because I can't drive. My goal is  to be able to drive before summer so that I can actually go and do things with my friends whenever I want and not have to worry about getting a lift from my parents.

This year I intend on finding a job. I'll be searching every day for new job openings because I definitely need the money - a student loan can only stretch so far! As well as needing money to be able to live, I need money to complete my previous goal of learning to drive. I also want to start putting money away for a car, otherwise, what would be the point in learning to drive?

 I say this every year, but this year I mean it - I want to get fitter. When I'm at uni I don't lead the healthiest of lifestyles and I want to change this as I don't want to put on any weight (I refuse to move up a dress size). Also, with my sisters wedding in September, I want to be looking my best. 

Finally, I want to continue to grow in confidence and worry less about things. Honestly, this will probably be the most challenging thing on this list, but hopefully I can achieve it!

What are some of your goals for 2017?

Sarah-Michelle x 

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  1. lovely post, your goals sound amazing,hope you'll meet them all this year,my main goal is to step out of my comfort zone xo



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